trans-acting factor

美 [trænz ˈæktɪŋ ˈfæktər]英 [trænz ˈæktɪŋ ˈfæktə(r)]
  • 网络因子;反式作用因子
trans-acting factortrans-acting factor
  1. The Effect of Hypolipidemic Drug ( DEHP ) on the Trans-acting Factor ( s ) for Gene of Acyl-CoA Oxidase


  2. The promoter of tissue-specific expression usually have the particular regulatory elements , which make gene just carried on the expression in the particular tissue and organs and the particular growth stages by working with trans-acting factor .


  3. The pivotal role that Rev plays in HIV-1 replication as a trans-acting factor makes it a new target in the research of AIDS drugs .


  4. An angiogenin-binding element ( ABE ) has been identified in vitro and exhibited angiogenin-dependent promoter activity in the luciferase reporter system , indicating that angiogenin may serve as a trans-acting factor .


  5. It is one of immediate-early gene indispensable to cell proliferation , and its product is a trans-acting transcription factor that drives the cells from G0 / G1 phase into S phase .


  6. There are two kinds of CPPs : natural and synthetic . The study of CPPs began in 1988 when Green and Frankel proved that the trans-acting protein factor of HIV - I can activate Tat to penetrate into cytoplasm and nucleus .
